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Hospitality Sunday Join us for coffee, donuts and fellowship next Sunday July 21st after the 9am Mass!

From Father Jason Hage, the Director of Vocation Promotion: The Tenth Hour: Bishop's Vocations Picnic - I would like to invite all parishioners to encourage a young person from your parishes/schools to consider attending The Tenth Hour: Bishop's Vocation Picnic. The Bishop's Vocations Picnic will take place at Christ the King Retreat House in Syracuse on Wednesday, August 7th from 4pm until 8pm. The Tenth Hour is an evening of dinner, conversation, prayer, and discernment with our Bishop, priests, seminari- ans, and religious sisters from the Diocese of Syracuse. This event is a great follow-up for young people who re- sponded to the vocation altar call at the Steubenville Youth Conference. Also, Jeremy Bobak will be leading us in Praise & Worship. This will truly be an inspiring night for any young person who attends! PLEASE NOTE THAT WE WILL NOT BE ABLE TO AC- COMODATE WALK-INS AT THIS EVENT. INDIVIDUALS/ GROUPS MUST REGISTER BY SUNDAY, AUGUST 4TH BY WAY OF THE SAFE ENVIRONMENT FORMS PRO- VIDED BELOW IN ORDER TO PARTICIPATE. THANK YOU FOR YOUR COOPERATION.
Youth Registration:
Adult Registration:

EUCHARISTIC REVIVAL Join us as we celebrate 24-hour Eucharistic Adoration from NOON Friday, July 19 until NOON Saturday, July 20. In conjunction with the National Eucharistic Revival in Indianapolis, there will be 24-hour Adoration in central New York at St. Malachy’s Church in Sherburne. All are invited and welcome to pray and experience the true presence of Jesus Christ in the Holy Eucharist. Sign up in the vestibule at St. Malachy’s or in the all-purpose room at St. Bartholomew’s.

The Knights of Columbus will be selling raffle tick- ets throughout the summer as they are giving away $2500. There will be 3 winners this year, (2) $1000 winners and (1) $500 winner with all proceeds going to the local K of C Council 211 in Norwich. Tickets are $10 each and can be purchased from Knights after selected Masses. The drawing will be held after the 9am Mass at St Bart's on Sunday Sept 1st!

Eucharistic Days in the Diocese of Syracuse June 24 – 28, 2024 “Preparing to be ‘Pilgrims of Hope’” During this month dedicated to the Sacred Heart of Jesus and in preparation for the National Eucharistic Congress and Revival at Indianapolis from July 17 th – 21 st, Bishop Lucia will be leading five regional “Eucharistic Days” from Monday, June 24 th thru Fri- day, June 28 th, as an invitation to re-kindle our dioce- san family’s devotion to the Most Holy Eucharist as the “source and summit of the Christian life.” As Catholics, we believe that “the presence of Christ in the Eucha- rist is real, true, and substantial.” As St. John Paul II reminds us, “Jesus awaits us in this sacrament of love.” On each of these days, Holy Mass will be celebrated followed by an afternoon for the Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament during which the Sacrament of Penance (Confession) will be available. The day will end with a special Holy Hour to which all clergy, reli- gious, and lay faithful are invited to join in. ALL ARE WELCOME AND ENCOURAGED TO ATTEND! Friday June 28th: Location: St. Paul, Norwich (Please note schedule changes) 9:00 am - Mass 9:30 am - 5:00 pm - Adoration (IN MAIN CHURCH- NOT THE CHAPEL. PLEASE COME IN WHENEVER YOU CAN DURING THESE HOURS. SIGN UP IS ENCOURAGED and APPRECIATED. SIGN-UP SHEETS ARE IN THE ALL-PURPOSE ROOM). 2:00 - 4:00 pm - Confessions 4:00 pm - Holy Hour

PCA News St. Joseph’s in Oxford: Join their Divine Mercy Chaplet on Zoom at 1 PM on Fridays. The Meeting ID is 356555 6647 and the Passcode is 789987. Contact Kathy Anderson for more information at 607-316-1717. St. John’s of Bainbridge and St. Agnes of Afton host the Wednesday evening scriptural rosary via Zoom at 7 PM. Contact Dc. Tom Picciano at tpicciano@syrdio for a Zoom invitation. Immaculate Conception in Greene teaches a Sign Language Lesson each week on how to Sign the Psalms with Maureen Kimble! Each week these lessons are added to our website and can be viewed any time by going to


The Knights of Columbus would like you to join them in reciting the Rosary and The Chaplet of Divine Mercy at St. Paul’s Church on the first Wednesday of every month from 6—7 pm. Let’s pray for healing for our friends, family and the world.