
Father Ralph A. Bove Pastor

Letter from the Diocese

The Knights of Columbus would like you to join them in reciting the Rosary and The Chaplet of Divine Mercy at St. Paul’s Church on the first Wednesday of every month from 6—7 pm. Let’s pray for healing for our friends, family and the world.

A Family Perspective by Bud Ozar July 28, 2024: 17th Sunday (John 6:1-15) In today’s gospel, Phillip worried about “enough food” for the crowd. What is ENOUGH? When does our ENOUGH deprive another family of their fair share? Jesus performed today’s miracle because one child was willing to share and risk living with less. Can your family live more simply so that other families can simply live?

“God loves each of us as if there were only one of us.” - St. Augustine
Prayer for God to Work Dear Jesus, You and I know that what I bring to you is small pieces — small faith, small gifts, small generosity. But I also know that you are not bound by that. Two fish and five loaves can feed 5000, when placed in your hands. So, I place everything I have in your hands, too. Complete your work, Lord. Amen. ©LPi




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